What Maintenance is Needed After Cleaning Air Vents?

When it comes to air conditioning ducts, regular maintenance is essential for keeping your home's ventilation system free from pollutants. Replacing the filter every month is a must, as viruses, bacteria, and fungi can invade air ducts and become suspended in indoor air if the ducts are not cleaned. Duct cleaning is not a part of the annual maintenance of your heating and cooling system, but it should be done periodically. You can do it yourself or hire a professional to help you clean the vents.

Air duct cleaning service providers may use a chemical biocide to kill bacteria and fungi and prevent future biological growth. Cleaning the air ducts involves cleaning the entire duct system, including the supply, inlet, and return grilles, with professional air duct cleaning equipment. This will help you avoid stress to the air conditioning system, which can result in higher energy bills or expensive repairs. You can usually repair the ventilation grilles and the surrounding area yourself, but there are some cases where professional intervention is required. After the cleaning is finished, it is necessary to re-inspect the air ducts to ensure that nothing has been missed and that the ducts are well cleaned. This will help you maintain a healthy indoor air quality and keep your HVAC system running efficiently.

Demetrius Echavarría
Demetrius Echavarría

Unapologetic coffee ninja. Unapologetic internet lover. Award-winning bacon maven. General web junkie. Award-winning travel buff.

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